Rococochoco As a knight how can he talk to a duke’s daughter like that. Also if he can reject her orders so easily and walk off then why didn’t he do so when she was abusing him? June 18, 2022 at 3:39 pm Log in to Reply
Marrika probably was a last straw type deal “I’ll take it if you do this to me but don’t rope in the little brother of the maid to be abused.” August 4, 2022 at 2:44 am
notabee I get hating your god awful “master” but even so, as a knight, you should know better than to easily show your contempt like that. June 18, 2022 at 12:54 am Log in to Reply
Changemyname This knight should be given Severance pay and let go for his sake and yours. June 17, 2022 at 11:45 pm Log in to Reply
As a knight how can he talk to a duke’s daughter like that. Also if he can reject her orders so easily and walk off then why didn’t he do so when she was abusing him?
probably was a last straw type deal “I’ll take it if you do this to me but don’t rope in the little brother of the maid to be abused.”
I get hating your god awful “master” but even so, as a knight, you should know better than to easily show your contempt like that.
This knight should be given Severance pay and let go for his sake and yours.