Could it be that the son of the sister be purple’s friend child? He said he looks like his father but he’s not or anyone of his family. Maybe when he said to fl that his mother’s blood was the same as his he wasen’t talking about the woman rising him!
A very sad back story , I has having some doubts when she was telling here mother about shock market but dint know she was having a back story like this 🥲
Dang. I’m so sorry Hyunjin!! I thought you’re a good for nothing scammed!! Huhu. Omyghad. How hard it must be to bear such pain and trauma. That family is a total trash to the bone!!!!
Could it be that the son of the sister be purple’s friend child? He said he looks like his father but he’s not or anyone of his family. Maybe when he said to fl that his mother’s blood was the same as his he wasen’t talking about the woman rising him!
My god i didn’t expect this at all so this is why they say don’t judge a book by jt’s cover
Xia suer
the angst is too strong!
A very sad back story , I has having some doubts when she was telling here mother about shock market but dint know she was having a back story like this 🥲
Cunning Critics
You guys over react to everything
Badal Red
Sorry for hating you without knowing you
She sells sea shells by the sea shore
Sorry for calling you a whore
Sorry for cursing at you girl 😅 well so keep it up hahahaha
I Cant Get Enough of You
I just wanna k*ll him from the start 👿
sorry for calling you purple bitch !!
Oh she’s karma!
fuckkk him uppppppp hyunjin
omg what a plot twist…
Ohh..she is a grim reaper..
Dang. I’m so sorry Hyunjin!! I thought you’re a good for nothing scammed!! Huhu. Omyghad. How hard it must be to bear such pain and trauma. That family is a total trash to the bone!!!!
K!|| that bastard!!!