Oh my 🥺🥺
Boy don’t be like that it’s fine and at the same time it’s not fine but believe me forgive yourself and you didn’t know anything and it’s not your fault at all .
The fault is for that damn baster family and her fucking ass hole ex
And you are way better than him . So be proud
Oh wait I misunderstood😭😭😭😭 wahhhhhhhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Just as I said we tend to act to our feelings 😅 I didn’t read that rightttt 😭😭😭😭 Sorry I’m sick rn HAHAH I have fever
You guys expect that the ml should always be good and act like an angel. We, human intend to act according to our feelings just like him. We all makes mistake. If you can’t appreciate what he did from the beginning(he treats her right from the beginning ngl) that explains why we are all single peps here.
Ik y’all forget that her father is the driver when his parents died from a car accident
Son of a bitch. He should have treated her like a queen from the start istg i don’t want him to come in fl life again . I want ml to ruin this mf and his family
@Mewmewmew i was like girlll she isn’t talking about ml😂 this was so funny🤣
@Mewmewmew 💀 i really had to re-read my own comment cuz i thought i didn’t say anything bad about ml i was talking about fl ex
Who loves manga
Oh my 🥺🥺
Boy don’t be like that it’s fine and at the same time it’s not fine but believe me forgive yourself and you didn’t know anything and it’s not your fault at all .
The fault is for that damn baster family and her fucking ass hole ex
And you are way better than him . So be proud
Oh wait I misunderstood😭😭😭😭 wahhhhhhhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Just as I said we tend to act to our feelings 😅 I didn’t read that rightttt 😭😭😭😭 Sorry I’m sick rn HAHAH I have fever
You guys expect that the ml should always be good and act like an angel. We, human intend to act according to our feelings just like him. We all makes mistake. If you can’t appreciate what he did from the beginning(he treats her right from the beginning ngl) that explains why we are all single peps here.
Ik y’all forget that her father is the driver when his parents died from a car accident
Son of a bitch. He should have treated her like a queen from the start istg i don’t want him to come in fl life again . I want ml to ruin this mf and his family
Lime Tea
Urgh, I hope ml kicks this ugly trash face🤮