ehem ehem……can you care to explain…..HOW THE FUCK…? BECAUSE….! in my opinion, she did something that anybody would do in her situation. What did she do? Let me explain, simple, she BROKE UP WITH HIM. what should she do next? point a gun to his forehead? think rationally, please. And it’s better to cut off people than keep thinking about them all the time. She did the right thing.
This is your therapist speaking and I have come to a conclusion… Your i love dipshit
I would’ve taken the phone from her ex. It’s the least she deserves after giving him her fuck1ng liver
Odi (RIP)
Bro you’re not gonna believe how dumb she actually was😀
ehem ehem……can you care to explain…..HOW THE FUCK…? BECAUSE….! in my opinion, she did something that anybody would do in her situation. What did she do? Let me explain, simple, she BROKE UP WITH HIM. what should she do next? point a gun to his forehead? think rationally, please. And it’s better to cut off people than keep thinking about them all the time. She did the right thing.
Doki Doki💓💓💓