“U wILl sHoW oFf Ur lAwYeR hUsBaNd” 🤡🤡 lol its ur brother who needs to show off how his fiance is a team manager on her own by studying the world’s most toughest course i.e engineering
People really take it easy when it comes to engineering like its a joke! Bitch being an engineer is not easy and studying for it is definitely tough. All her inlaws are a circus please they are fucking embarrassing
big pusy ahhhh bf
Well…..that slutty boyfriend is gonna die anyways so I don’t mind it……!
Lime Tea
That stupid family makes my blood boil😠
“U wILl sHoW oFf Ur lAwYeR hUsBaNd” 🤡🤡 lol its ur brother who needs to show off how his fiance is a team manager on her own by studying the world’s most toughest course i.e engineering
People really take it easy when it comes to engineering like its a joke! Bitch being an engineer is not easy and studying for it is definitely tough. All her inlaws are a circus please they are fucking embarrassing
Haha you’re fucked boy
ice cream yum so good
Man this is so shitty. Just leave the family man
This feel like this family is kind of “abnormal”