I Became the Younger Sister of a Regretful Obsessive Male Lead - chapter 6
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Wait why tf no one talking about the black shadow who is manipulating our ML ☠️
what the heck is duke? is same eyes his fault? then don’t marry and give shit to innocent wife and son and the girl who read story should he ie getting abuse by his father why did she acting like that? lol
Girl are you sure you read the story? So you know the Duke favored you and treated you like a real daughter more than his biological son right?!! So why don’t you ask the Duke yourself to change your brother’s schedule since it’s 100% guaranteed that he’ll listen to you? Why would you expect the Duke to listen to his son when he never even treats him as a human?
Nice… he can recover a little by this love
Even if her actions cause him to be punished, he still gets her affection and gets the feeling of love from her. Although the situation is unfortunate, he would’ve been hurt by his father anyway so in the end her actions are still beneficial. I wonder if in the original story he was already possessed by that demon at this point.
I mean I get why the duke is so fckd up but reason doesn’t equal to excuse tho
Oh okay so the Duke is legit a creep. Rachel had the exact same eyes as the Duke but the hair of her father. So she looks EXACTLY as a child born between the two of them would of! It’s sad to imagine what her life would be like if she had been born looking just like her mother. The Duke thinks his son will try to do … Things with the little girl and that comes to show how sick and twisted the DUKE actually is.
All I need to do is smack the Duke a couple times and then he will get his sense back, right?
This duke is thinking that Rachel is he and Liam’s daughter,.well Rachel has blue eyes like him and green hair like Liam….what a perfect combination to make his hallucinations work like a whirlwind….but why Did Lucian look so much like his grandfather,??even the eye color is the same…..
… Is she being purposefully obtuse? She knows from reading the webtoon that the duke is physically abusive, and yet keeps doing these things.
She obviously needs to confront/ask the father directly herself rather than go: “Tell the father who hates you and hits you that you want to spend less time doing as he wants and more time with the child he loves”
Man-nya-nya-na _
Can I kill his father instead…
Its so sad to see lucian like that ?
The dad is not gonna get over that hatred. I feel really bad for our ml ?
From what I am seeing… the only thing that would stop the father… isn’t him acknowledging his son. He sees his father in him, someone he clearly despises so… the only way out is to either run away or… he has to die. I know everyone is hoping that he will change but when someone harbours that kind of resentment towards their own child, changing is usually not something that comes.
I mean we can HOPE that he will change… but I am thinking that won’t happen.
Lucian find happiness soon??
I want to see her walk in when the Father is “punishing” him. Then maybe he would stop? Hopefully if that does happen it wouldn’t get worse…
Blueberry Tea
She should start being a jerk to the dad, would be interesting.