I Became The Wife Of The Monstrous Crown Prince - Chapter 84
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LETS COOK omg if she cooks!?!?!??!?!?!?!
Empress kumzi
I don’t know why… But this story suddenly feels so sad and reminds me of Erin and Mikassa in attack on titan like Erin had to die cos their stupid ancestor was jealous of their love😢😢😢
At this point I’d rather forgive Richard than Ser bc Richard lived a different life than Phillip. But Ser? Lmao she’s fully aware that Phillip didn’t have feelings for her mf delusional and yet she tolerated everything and now torturing Ancia after everything that she did to her? Like bro it’s not like Ancia was the one who locked her up??? This story’s just dragging the plot for no reason
I dont like how the story change and why did they made ser team up with Richard knowing full well how Philip did to her in the past. Ser know Richard can do the same thing to her in the future.
Ancia not anthea 🗿 and that ser bitch 🤡 is crazy
Im_into romance
I actually hate ser so fuqing much like how the hell is she going to get forgiven like da faq
Ethan Novell
f*c# ser she is messing around too much
Okay this is finally proggressing I see
Prefered the novel but it’s okay :’)
first they keep calling her “Anthea” but initially it was “Ancia”…. also idk but author reduced Ser’s IQ like why would she talk about Diana like that… also strangely other MLs take time to figure out stuff but ML here is cold to her from day 1 and warm to FL.. it’s so weird…. Ser being villain is kinda forced…
She deserved to be punish her best friend help her out and she did this to her yeah I say forget her
Woooow so this is really going to ve a whole arc of this ish
Fl better NOT forgive that idiot ser cuz she went after all the trouble to save her but she returned the favor by taking her body and trying to take everything 🙄🙄
it is not Anthea… her name is Ancia