I Became The Wife Of The Monstrous Crown Prince - Chapter 66
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damn guys!! the goddess a victim tooo this stinking phillip is the root of all this and he planned fhis to happen…😕
Guys stop blaming the goddess, yeah she was pretty dumb for falling for Philip, but still Philip was fucking cunt here.
Can someone tell me how the hell that girl is a goddess when she is stupid, selfish and narrow-minded? She is the reason I am not enjoying this webtoon like before because she makes me so pissed off than any other villains do. After reading the novel spoiler and knowing what she will do to MC in future chapters, I am even more pissed off and questioning why she is forgiven in the end. Does that being “goddess” give much privilege?
She is delusional to think that by giving him her power and following him, he will love her back. Is like how some girls/ women’s do now with the (bad guys/ unfaithful) saying : I can change him with love, He will change/ He’s not like that/ Don’t be jealous of our love and such. Is sad really.
She should be made a saint because I would’ve killed her. I don’t know how she can still see her as a friend after killing so many innocent people for a guy she knew didn’t love her! She deserves to suffer😠
Omg! I have some insight on what happens next in the present but I didn’t know the back story and yea 😅 🙃 she us awful and she deserves everything she got.
still crazy she considers her a friend after finding out she spread the disease then had the nerve to cry and act all sad once hearing about the kings death like it wasn’t her fault. At least she apologetic now right? But I dont think she would have cared at all if that guy had loved her back and treated her better. What a selfish goddess
It’s too short huhuhu