I Became The Wife Of The Monstrous Crown Prince - Chapter 36.5
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Guys I think shynbug likes the upcoming scene. 😭
@shynbug DANG
you must really like this scene
my absolute favorite scene is coming up, even though its between Ancia and Richard this scene shows how generous and how absolutely radiant person Ancia is inside out, its shows us the little humane side that Richard got in himself, it also shows that if Ancia despises Richard so much its because of his own wrongdoings, its not because of his birth or his bloodline that other people always taunts him about. this shows that Richard called it upon himself, and this scene in the whole novel would always be my favorite
@Yona-chan Ikr
I hope he is not really a bad guy
if Richard stops making that evil face he’s actually handsome and bearable