I Became The Wife Of The Monstrous Crown Prince - Chapter 109
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This fucking ugly bastard is just testing my patience, he needs to be neutered fr
nope. nice try but ww will never forget what that white hair bish and what she did lol, “oghhhh because she was suffering for a very long time so ” bla bla bla, oh bish, shut the fck up, only excuses and excuses
Love it! I can’t get enough
What he wanted was anica not the simpleton ser
he’s too much xd
Cant believe the author let Philip live so he could become the main antagonist instead of ser. Really feels like a “Just forget about her this guy is the real problem” uh, no
Before Ancia was found, many people who looked like Ancia tried to claim the empress postion, why can’t “Philp” just date one of them or smth? And Seria is super pretty as well, he had women who was literal godess. He FUMBLED baddddd.