I’ve read a lot of novels with this kind of bitch’plot. Their true intentions are 1. Seduce the royals 2. Get rid of the lover(Fiona),make her jealous plot 3. Play a victim,they intentionally went to the prince’s bedroom and if they’re kicked out they play something like the prince touched them and play victim. 4. Put aphrodisiac to the prince’s drinks and take advantage of the situation.
But seeing the situation it’s probably number 1 and 2 unless she throw him aphrodisiac powder on his face. It’s interesting to read the next chapter. I like this kind of scene tbh. The next of this is either Fiona will become possessive and finally acknowledge her true feelings for Siggy or she’ll misunderstood and make a wider space between them
You musty ass bitch get yo hands off him before i make you bald and also cut off all your fingers
blubis thebest
ewww get away b!tch
Lmao, no he will not, thot.
noooo not the cliffhanger
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
who tf is this?
Floozy lmao!
Get out stupid bitch
I’ve read a lot of novels with this kind of bitch’plot. Their true intentions are 1. Seduce the royals 2. Get rid of the lover(Fiona),make her jealous plot 3. Play a victim,they intentionally went to the prince’s bedroom and if they’re kicked out they play something like the prince touched them and play victim. 4. Put aphrodisiac to the prince’s drinks and take advantage of the situation.
But seeing the situation it’s probably number 1 and 2 unless she throw him aphrodisiac powder on his face. It’s interesting to read the next chapter. I like this kind of scene tbh. The next of this is either Fiona will become possessive and finally acknowledge her true feelings for Siggy or she’ll misunderstood and make a wider space between them
People really be catching STD’s back in the day😌…how can you offer yourself to a man you only met just because he’s a royal?🤔 DUMB BISH 😏
I thought it’s Fiona in disguise LOL
Spring and Summer
It’s obvious he’s gonna say no…
But my first thought was that the way she is drawn looks a bit similar to FL lol
Historical Maniac
It just came to my mind… Maybe Sigrien will accidentally behead her out of disgust lol His looks is giving
Historical Maniac
They low key think royals are only horny creatures lol
Historical Maniac
And Fiona will find them looking like that
how will he look next chapter? Confused, pale with a hint of blue, or shivering till he looks like a hedgehog?
Wooooooowwwwww, she look pretty for me, pretty idiot.¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
lol girl what 😂 she is pretty but she doesn’t even know him, who said he would just fall for her looks ?
Whoa taking bets on how she goes out? Live skinning, throw out a window or hung by her tongue?