but yeah… re: ragnell1990, the god-complex is strong with this one, and it grew progressively annoying, but maybe? this is the only path the author-author saw to shut that down. shrug. just gotta wait and see, i guess. but it’s still pretty to look at. XD
i’ve reread the early chapters multiple times just for the cute. XD
didn’t expect it, but oddly makes sense since cal NEVER made sense to me until basically right now.
from ch 1, her strategy to survive was to exploit the fact that she knows each character’s role and personal history to avoid fiona’s death flags. i don’t think she ever tried to CHANGE the roles.
the amnesia was a reset, so her memory was just to the original backstories. and to her, the roles never changed.
so… again, she is exploiting the fact that she knows each character’s role and personal history to raise her own death flag, believing it’s the only way to get the story back on track. so she just used a minor character of convenience. ie. cal
I said it and I am saying. MC is wrong the whole time when she kept claiming that she created this world and these people. just because she wrote about a world doesnt mean she is the creator. maybe there were some psychic connection making her imagine linking to this world, hence she wrote about it. I am annoyed with her self claim and more annoyed with her keeping blaming herself. at first I did feel sympathy for her but this self blame become more and more unrelated and annoying now
Holy sh*t
That stab was unexpected…..
that….went south veryyyyy quickly… I’m getting your majesty, please don’t kill me again vibes
Wait, now I feel bad 🙁 But holy y’all, that escalated real quickly.
Woah, that went south really quick 😳
ummhhh what just happened 🧐
Damn that escilated quickly😶
but yeah… re: ragnell1990, the god-complex is strong with this one, and it grew progressively annoying, but maybe? this is the only path the author-author saw to shut that down. shrug. just gotta wait and see, i guess. but it’s still pretty to look at. XD
i’ve reread the early chapters multiple times just for the cute. XD
didn’t expect it, but oddly makes sense since cal NEVER made sense to me until basically right now.
from ch 1, her strategy to survive was to exploit the fact that she knows each character’s role and personal history to avoid fiona’s death flags. i don’t think she ever tried to CHANGE the roles.
the amnesia was a reset, so her memory was just to the original backstories. and to her, the roles never changed.
so… again, she is exploiting the fact that she knows each character’s role and personal history to raise her own death flag, believing it’s the only way to get the story back on track. so she just used a minor character of convenience. ie. cal
I said it and I am saying. MC is wrong the whole time when she kept claiming that she created this world and these people. just because she wrote about a world doesnt mean she is the creator. maybe there were some psychic connection making her imagine linking to this world, hence she wrote about it. I am annoyed with her self claim and more annoyed with her keeping blaming herself. at first I did feel sympathy for her but this self blame become more and more unrelated and annoying now
Who loves manga
Wdf is this ?
I mean it’s gonna be alright in the end right ? 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🥹🥹🥹🥹🥺🥺🥹🥺🥹🥺
I’m confused 🧐🫣🤔
huh? at this point i dont want to watch anymore??
It was getting good until they all started adding this fricking plot
What the f?????