Frankly urked more by the fact a saintess of an opposing deity would try and bless lands containing numerous blessings of another deity. Not really shocked by the saintess having a demonic contract, tho gotta wonder how she knew of what leht was looking for (since I’m guessing she went to him for the sake of trying to manipulate him to her side). Hopefully she’s not evil cuz that cliche can be annoying, tho doubtful that it won’t be the case.
See that their so called sun god saintess who broke up FL with the crown prince signed a contract with a demon bet her powers aren’t really the sun Gods.
Frankly urked more by the fact a saintess of an opposing deity would try and bless lands containing numerous blessings of another deity. Not really shocked by the saintess having a demonic contract, tho gotta wonder how she knew of what leht was looking for (since I’m guessing she went to him for the sake of trying to manipulate him to her side). Hopefully she’s not evil cuz that cliche can be annoying, tho doubtful that it won’t be the case.
when i was 13 i almost got run over by truck-kun
LMAO the saintess is in contrat with who? not even surprised tbfh
So the saintess is in contract with a demon and shes evil
What a shocker 🤣🤣🤣
See that their so called sun god saintess who broke up FL with the crown prince signed a contract with a demon bet her powers aren’t really the sun Gods.
aughhhh grape jelly oh the humanityyyy