kashugi911 as someone whos had their remaining grandpa die while i was in bootcamp rven tho we arent that close, hes an idiot. also admitting he is a piece of shjt while asking for a favor.. men do be having too much audacity December 15, 2022 at 7:57 pm Log in to Reply
Oscorpi Bro, your grandpa is dying yet you still behave like a love-struck fool. December 3, 2022 at 6:01 pm Log in to Reply
Melbelwel Dude go see your grandpa, you can catch up with her later if you want. December 1, 2022 at 8:35 pm Log in to Reply
as someone whos had their remaining grandpa die while i was in bootcamp rven tho we arent that close, hes an idiot. also admitting he is a piece of shjt while asking for a favor.. men do be having too much audacity
Bro, your grandpa is dying yet you still behave like a love-struck fool.
Dude go see your grandpa, you can catch up with her later if you want.