The whole reason you tagged along in this many-days-long trip was because you were “curious” about why some dude was interested in the girl you planned to take advantage from?? Gosh your life must be so interesting XD I agree with cupcakes.mp3, when is he going to get lost??
The whole reason you tagged along in this many-days-long trip was because you were “curious” about why some dude was interested in the girl you planned to take advantage from?? Gosh your life must be so interesting XD I agree with cupcakes.mp3, when is he going to get lost??
Goodness, he’s fallen real hard!
Dont ask me
Well…now you know…but it will be useless. You screw it up since the beginning
so whens he gonna fuck off
ahhhhh boy didn’t even know he was falling for her til right then. Damn, that actually sucks.