1. Why would he tell you he loves you in the middle of the road,in the presence of your maid.
2.And he’s a knight it’s close to impossible to be able to date his lady
The only possible outcome is if he was a third son of a random noble or he makes an achievement in the kingdom and they grant him a title.
I swear every few chapters I’m just like “kiss someone and stick with it!!” Tho. Hear me out. The prince is still sus, but I’m slowly falling for the romantic side. Idk maybe jus me.
Ok my ships not gonna sail,it’s certain that it’s Tevia ship endgame
Ugliest king dokja
1. Why would he tell you he loves you in the middle of the road,in the presence of your maid.
2.And he’s a knight it’s close to impossible to be able to date his lady
The only possible outcome is if he was a third son of a random noble or he makes an achievement in the kingdom and they grant him a title.
Stupid girl… He can’t reveal he loves you…
I swear every few chapters I’m just like “kiss someone and stick with it!!” Tho. Hear me out. The prince is still sus, but I’m slowly falling for the romantic side. Idk maybe jus me.
Hope for Sylphide ML?
Noo tell her your real feelings man ?
Omgee tev you turn into a hunky hot punk.
Son Godku
Awww poor girl ??????