Ew. Still hate the servant. “Trying to kill” is obviously irreversible line in my dictionary. It’s purely luck she’s survived. If not, he’ll live his life for a long time while she’s dead. I cant understand why fl forgave him -_-
Good lord, I was waiting for him to notice where Ethan laid his hands on! We love a jealous emperor <3 Besides, I loved the intimate conversation they had ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
I Want her with the emperor it is the best ship,and why would she want the servant/knight guy.
i don’t like knight. why call her master all the time when she told you not to. doesn’t make sense, and doesn’t make him look good at all.
Ew. Still hate the servant. “Trying to kill” is obviously irreversible line in my dictionary. It’s purely luck she’s survived. If not, he’ll live his life for a long time while she’s dead. I cant understand why fl forgave him -_-
Sorry to say this but I don’t want her with the emperor 😭 I barely want her with her knight/servant oml
Good lord, I was waiting for him to notice where Ethan laid his hands on! We love a jealous emperor <3 Besides, I loved the intimate conversation they had ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*