SoonamiSapphire If you, if you’re under the assumption that the king is a tyrant then offering a nobles daughter to him is a death sentence. Why do you think he would be happy about that? March 3, 2024 at 7:20 am Log in to Reply
star vs the forces of evil Ofc he’s going to find a way to say no lol imagine your beloved daughter going to a moody tyrant December 5, 2023 at 3:43 am Log in to Reply
Amelia Marie
If course he wouldn’t want that wtf ladu
If you, if you’re under the assumption that the king is a tyrant then offering a nobles daughter to him is a death sentence. Why do you think he would be happy about that?
Hahaha… the counts face is priceless..
star vs the forces of evil
Ofc he’s going to find a way to say no lol imagine your beloved daughter going to a moody tyrant