I Became the Tutor of the Royal Twins - Chapter 9
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You don't have anything in histories
I used to be scared of cockroaches, but not after I threw one at my sister
Call me maybe
I would’ve started prancing around without even looking in my pocket psshhaa forget that
Poor fl 😭😭😭
I would literally pull the nose trick on them (magician stuff) so they can stop pranking
Losing their parents in young age and all doesn’t justify being an annoying spoiled brat. I mean it’s not like their brother doesn’t visit them and care about them. The sister is so annoying I want to punch her in the face so bad
kids will take quite sometime to behave nicely, but why do they act like they want MLs attention when ML in fact ain’t cold to them visit them whenever they want… if they love him that much can’t they let him take a break but I guess their fear of abandonment is too much would’ve been better if FL notice this and they arrange meeting regularly so as to avoid this oh boy…