Justice for 2nd MLs They both have the same thing right? So if Rike is gonna die it means that Rinzel is gonna die at some point too. So our fl has a time limit too… September 23, 2023 at 8:04 am Log in to Reply
Darkcoolava if you’re confused both girls are dying of the same thing. August 22, 2023 at 8:04 pm Log in to Reply
randomreader In my opinion i see the difference? I mean their hair is different August 20, 2023 at 11:43 am Log in to Reply
Isreadingmanhwa Ml is very gorgeous. His skin tone is perfect 😍👌 August 20, 2023 at 9:43 am Log in to Reply
Isreadingmanhwa Ml is very gorgeous. His skin tone is perfect 😍o August 20, 2023 at 9:43 am Log in to Reply
Isreadingmanhwa I wished they atleast gave the sisters different eye colors so it would’ve been easier to recognise them ?? Like I can’t pay attendance to eye shape everytime to figure out ryt?? August 20, 2023 at 9:42 am Log in to Reply
Justice for 2nd MLs
He is absolutely adorable 💯
Justice for 2nd MLs
They both have the same thing right? So if Rike is gonna die it means that Rinzel is gonna die at some point too. So our fl has a time limit too…
if you’re confused both girls are dying of the same thing.
Wait so who is dying?
In my opinion i see the difference? I mean their hair is different
Ml is very gorgeous. His skin tone is perfect 😍👌
Ml is very gorgeous. His skin tone is perfect 😍o
I wished they atleast gave the sisters different eye colors so it would’ve been easier to recognise them ?? Like I can’t pay attendance to eye shape everytime to figure out ryt??