I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend - Chapter 7
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what the fuck is this translation i dont understand the half of the words im reading
To everyone who says she is obsessed with him, she is not she is just trying to fix his trauma that his father gave him. She is a girl just trying to make sure are poor ml is not traumatized like the novel.
I’m so confused. I don’t like this translation does anyone know where I can find a better translation
It’s all a bit out of proportion:) She is quite obsessed with the dark haired boy… no wonder he thinks of her as creepy. Aaand I feel kind of sorry for the blonde kid, who she was rather hostile to, knowing that he will get the short end of the stick, if things go according to the novel
Why is she so obsessed with him? At least in the original story she only looked from afar and was his friend. Now she’s a grown adult hellbent on befriending some child for no real reason at all
tbh part of me would rather have her parents’ love story
You guys realize that sometimes people can’t speak or know how to apologize, right? They aren’t doing it out of malice… for some people their mind becomes filled with all the things they want to say but their mouth doesn’t open. I can tell you it sucks. You want to apologize sincerely but not only can you not verbalize the words you wish to say but you have an underlying fear that they won’t forgive you or even hate you.
…girl, tf are you doing? She knows exactly what she needs to do and says several times she needs to just go to him and clear up the misunderstandings so, why does she keep choosing to do it through manipulative schemes instead??? She can just be upfront with him and he will eventually return that honesty, with his own honesty. He doesn’t need anymore affection with ulterior motives AND SHE KNOWS THIS.
I got confused at the end
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
It’s not like the real Dahlia died or something, so it’s not as if she must cling to him to survive. In fact, there is no reason she should be so determined to befriend him when she can live perfectly fine on her own. I suppose it’s probably a sense of pity that is driving her to do this.
Though I wouldn’t call her an idiot, her motivations are somewhat confusing and I think that may be why her actions are kinda weird to me.
The FL is an idiot. She can just ignore him and be happy yet she clings to him like a maggot and to think she said to herself that she would not be involved in story.
Right. Right.
So you want to put up an act like you are in a lot of pain so he goes to see you? Isn’t that… idk… WORSE???? he would be blaming himself even MORE and it’s really manipulative…. Weren’t you a young adult or at least an older teen when you transmigrated? Jesus it really doesn’t look like it……