I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend - Chapter 6
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sometimes.. The comment section turns emotionless??
Am I the only one that is sad?
Why everyone thinks fl dumb? She wanted to tell him but she doubt if her honesty will make him more in pain or more uncomfortable.
Does anyone here irl just say anything in your head without any consideration?
Rain Trevil
um.. ^ ^;; she’s not dumb ppl. she’s being thoughtful. don’t you also do that sometimes if you have a guest or something? but she’s slow in apologizing and solving the misunderstanding
Yeah she shouldn’t have lied, but he’s her guest so she tried to make him comfortable and he was being so nonchalant about everything. Don’t know why she continued on when she said she didn’t want to be involved with him in the first place. Honestly he’s annoying, yeah he’s got issues and a tragic backstory but she didn’t have to make an effort to be nice to him at all, knowing he’s a ML and will get his happily ever after why even bother. If anything it looks like she’s playing out his “childhood friend” requirement despite not wanting to
Totally redicolous
Next annoyance would be stupid girl who is supposed to be a reincarnated adult but can’t even talk on par with her current age!!!
Let alone her being usually talkative and extroverted like her mom.
This unreasonable development of her becoming so dumb all of a sudden does not make sense.
I read d novel.. the fl is irritatingly stupid. She thinks too much until the far future shit but only say 1 or 2 words or cant even talk or apologize at all and after all that, she becomes so unbearable pain in d ass fren trying to get closer to the ml. My gawd, cringey
Waaaah now I think I’ll be obsessed. *^* Can’t wait for the next chapter! ♡♡♡♡
Why is he super Cute even when sad 😭
This FL is dumb lmao
Unsure how they bumped into eachother but thats fine