I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend - Chapter 54
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@callmekim7 Yeah that’s for sure. Goldman is really sus. Story would have gone in a different direction if he was really that good. Male lead would have changed and Rudrik would have become second ml😂
I still genuinely think something is off about Goldman, could’ve sworn he was briefly suspected in a previous chapter. I totally dont mind Dahlia chasing after Goldman but something definitely feels off…he’s too good to be true in a way…
Anyone who got isekied will try to change their bad future. And that’s exactly what dahlia is doing. To change her ending all she has to do is not to fall in love with Rudrik. Even I would have done the same . Even if I did fell in love ( I’m a pieces ) I would have obv not told or maybe move on . But still I’m with dahlia
Sometimes I feel like Rudrik deserves it. The Rudrik of this timeline isn’t at fault ik but in last timeline(in the og), Dahlia was so hurt because of him. She liked him since childhood but her love was never reciprocated. She just remained as a “friend”. So obviously now Dahlia thinks, same thing will happen so she didn’t allow herself to fall for him . Atleast she is not acknowledging her feelings for him and trying to settle with someone else. She thinks the history will repeat once the ogfl comes. Her actions are somehow justified.