I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend - Chapter 51
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Agreed Dapperlady, so far there Goldman hasn’t done a single thing wrong. I like that she’s not hyper focused on one dude. And you can find someone attractive and not want to date them. She wants Goldman st least currently. Ludwig is just her hot friend
Jesus lord I don’t get why you guys don’t like the fl so much. She’s allowed to like someone other than than ML😭 we all know they’ll be endgame anyway and solve man will probably turn out to be some villian anyways. She doesn’t owe Rud anything tho
No one cares if you drop it
Whose letter did he just throw in the fire?!?!
Dahlia is just running away to accept her feelings for Lud, now she wants to court someone who has ulterior motives, anyway, she wants to use Gold to escape her feelings for Lud, and Gold wants to use her for power… just stupid, she just scared and Lud hasn’t express his feelings for her…
Who loves manga
Oh I really don’t like the fl