I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend - Chapter 5
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the translation is rough
Aznlover220 is right and @Foderlinz She likes his cute personality and doesn’t think she’ll fall in love with him later bc she knows the future. Also the parents are meeting and dragging her along so its better to be friendly with a powerful family. That’s what she was thinking before she met him and thought he was such a cutie that she wanted to be friends
To think it all happened because of beans ☠️
Why bother to approach the protagonist of the novel? It’s not like she’s going to have a tragic end; nothing was mentioned about it. so why bother so much? Let it be.
The only thing that would cause him, to fall in love with her and not with the protagonist of the novel as should be.
@Mrs.Muppet I think it’s more like he realized that although he never stated what he wanted she was consciously choosing what he wanted for him. She would ask something like red or blue paper, he wouldn’t decide openly but she notices he likes blue so she says I’ll take red because it matches my eyes, he gets the blue and he’s happy. So after realizing this he doubts if she’s actually happy because she’s basically sacrificing her likes trying to make him happy. She hates beans but she ate them and claimed she liked them because she noticed he hates beans too. He doesn’t want to make her unhappy so he distanced himself. Her lying doesn’t hurt him he just doesn’t want to be a burden to her.
@milaapol she was willing to change plates with him despite the fact that she hate beans so he would feel better. He belived she liked beans. But then he find out it was otherwise, so he thought that she wasn’t honest with him from the beginning, so everything he liked about her now seems forced and he choose to distance himself from her.
Uh?? I don’t get it