I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend - Chapter 49
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Completely disagree with your assessment. She’s said it clearly she has the hots for him and could see a future with him. And he’s done nothing wrong (currently )to be called goddamn.
In fact he’s better than Ludwig. Ml was all like kill everyone even innocent civilians. Goldman fought to spare the innocent lives
He’s also a better fit for the heir issues.
Ludwig doesn’t even understand his feelings and Goldman is actively pursuing FL
Dahlia is brutal and just broken poor heart lud. Also he should just express himself, and I don’t know why dahlia is fixated on the Goddamn, it’s not as if she is in Love with him, she’s just trying to use him to avoid the Friend zone doom, and thinking Lud will fall in love with FL….she already has it all, showing interest toward the blown hair guy who is scheming to use her..any way the trade is fair, she wants to use him, he wants to use her…