I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend - Chapter 39
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As of right now her conerns marrying Rudrick are valid. They’re both the only heirs to their families.
And he said he wasn’t interested in marriage before
And original timeline they were childhood friends and only friends. Og fl was in love with him and nothing happened, he fell for the other chick at first site
Even now, ml is saying he’s not interested in marrying her, though he’s being delusional.
Rivers is an actual better match for her situation. 2nd son so no title issue. Also a war hero who had more compassion for the innocent people affected by the war.
And he’s hot too.
For all the ppl who commented below me, read chapter 1 again coz she believes that ml will surely love og fl and this might the reason she also held back… B4 she reincarnated, the ml said to og fl that dahlia is just a friend
I kind of hope they date actually. And then break up for a legitimate reason. That would be a refreshing change from the “my waifu” jealousy act.
nooo i wouldnt want anyone to get hurt. poor Rud T^T
awwwwww…. Okay…. second Ml syndrome, comng right up
No stop giving him false hopes
He gives off a golden retriever wibes!! He’s adorable!! I hope he doesn’t fall for fl and ends up heartbroken😭
♪Smooth operator♪ She’s a smoooooth operator♪
yeah, me too
im here for the men
maann he’s soo nice and kind and fine and and such a softie and a cutie :(( dont break his heart :((
These are just my personal thoughts so please don’t get offended
The red ribbon moment was important for both Dahlia and Rud and now she’s making it something between her and another man. How would Rud feel? She’s talking to blondie while having Rud on her mind, in the end things will only get more frustrating.
+ all the things he says that’s making her fall for him has been done by Rud. She’s just being stupid at this point.
Yeah I hate it when this happens. She’s gonna end up with rud anyway so why do they have to add a character like him? I already feel bad for him 🙁
What do I doo?🥲🥲😅😇
Two excellent male characters 😓😳😳😊
It woould be cool of she ends with this blond cutely pie! It may be a good story, cause the Girl always ends with the original male lead, so, I hope the ML ends with the original girl, and Dahlia can experiment this New story only for her.
Wow….Now I kinda ship them TuT
The two of them are so CUTE together!!!! AKSBKSDBSKDN
omg, poor Rudrik 🙃
they are getting along tooooo well