I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend - Chapter 38
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Please communicate more openly my babies! T^T
Guys ,the fl is not stupid but he the one who friendzoned her
I’m glad she’s smart elsewhere,but she needs to be smart in love.
Cause these fl’s not realizing their feelings and thinking ml is in love with OGFL is really annoying
Talerielle Laurel
Well, I get why she was so convinced that Rud wouldn’t ACTUALLY see her that way. I mean, even just ignoring the original novel where he never did, there’s still that conversation when they were kids where he basically friendzoned her for life
Ah another novel about a dumb girl stuck with the female lead idea. Who has clear feelings for someone and denies it with stupidity
Blueberry Tea
Strong women <3 can I marry hestia???
im here for the men
lol she’s smart