I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend - Chapter 32
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Why the f*ck is his name River Goldman and i seriously hate him already.
Bro i can’t this is to good like how he was jealous is so cute😍😍
I CANT WHY IS THIS SO exciting?!
Dhalia: Who are you?
Rudrick: Your future husband.
If I were Rudick, I would be really pissed off and leave her alone forever. I mean, okay you are my friend that I didn’t see a long time and I miss you a lot. But all you do is start avoiding me since we met to find your interesting(and even try to used our friendship which you didn’t give in the first place to it), where is your sincere?.(not a true friend really and can’t even go further for a romance)
I just love her thought process, she’s not afraid to go for what she wants 😂
LOL, that was amusing, I like this story even more
Ty for the update
Hoping the Blondie wouldn’t end up as 2nd ml in this timeline too that would be sad to always be 2nd ml when u are so bf material 😭🖐
“Your standards have dropped” Wow boy that’s some nice self confidence 😂