I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend - Chapter 20
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crying, puking, swearing right now.
My blood is boiling right now!
I wanna kill the Duke and the mistress
I feel so sad for ml and also the duchess,she’s a queen!She deserves way better than a bastard trash Duke.
I want ml to grow up and get revenge on the Duke for his mother and for himself
i can expect we all agreed to beat the sh1t out of him n her?? (father and the hooker)
I need some royal interference coz MLs mom is a noble and the duke’s mistress isn’t. There has to be some sort of backlash for the Duke
Oh my God somebody please tell me ml’s mother don’t die and I wish the trash guy will rot in hell.
wtf nooooooo
Oh shit.
Please tell me things won’t be going according to the original setting!!!
Somebody just kill that jerk and save the mother and son due. The nasty mistress will be dismissed naturally as well.
I hope Rudrick has gotten stronger due to the FL’s good treatment and would make a brave move right now.
Please be safe duchess.
Okay I’m really starting to hate that bastard Duke how can he treat his own wife like that I got it that they are not in love but still she doesn’t deserve to be treated like this and I really wanna punch his mistresses face like HELL YOU BITCH ……. forgive me for my ruthness but I’m just so angry his wife is damn so beautiful that I can just die for her but instead of her I don’t know who he fell for but I’m telling you she might be some cunning clever bitch who would try to hurt the ml I really hope once the ml grow up he find the truth and even if his mother did I know he would forgive her but if it was that bitch than I hope he kill that bitch …..
Okay I guess my anger is alright now 😃
Gurlie fl can’t go to the north, first is the distance and second, in medieval times you are unable to visit a family unless you have an invitation, especially if your rank is lower which can lead to punishment.
Y’all are so stupid 🤦♀️ wtf could fl ,who’s still a kid, do at a situation like this. She obviously can’t travel to the north because her parents wouldn’t want that. It would be suspicious of her to say everything that’s happening to anyone, no one can do anything to make this situation get better -_-
I actually found it interesting that she didn’t help. not because i didnt want her to help but because i thought it did a good job of showing the actual limitations of her abilities. realistically, what could a normal person actually do in that situation? she cant stop the duke from being abusive, she cant stop him from cheating, i think she could have done more to comfort the duchess but overall, there’s a lot of comics where the protagonist is able to fix a lot of problems that really arent their business and wouldn’t be easy to fix. she’s also the sort of character who relies too heavily on lies and manipulation, so unless she could think of a manipulative way to solve the problem, she would have probably felt helpless to do anything at all
im not saying her decision was morally just but it was interesting to see a protag who wasn’t all powerful and was rather restricted by their own personality flaws
@EevysRead i feal the same, and it’rt make me more dislike it cause the fl don’t go to north to see how the fl doing
😂 Ya I feel like a lot of FLs in stories like these will know that the ml goes through bad things in the story to make him the way he is but rather than trying to help or prevent those things they’ll just be like “oh, well. I’ll be nice to him and see if that helps” and then the ML always falls for her. I think it would be really interesting if we could get a whole story where from the FL protects her bias in the story from a young age by plotting and scheming. Kinda like how Florentia did for the prince but not bc she had a past life but read the story
Instead of just waiting to “play with rudrick” -_- i find that is selfish
I dont understand why dahlia didnt help with the future misfortune that she knows its going to happen n knows that they gona treat d duchess badly.
She should step up and make d story more fucking interesting -_-