damn they all are hot. SPOILER: she will use lion fang on emperor and other nobles, so for people she don’t want to hurt she is warning them in advance so they can leave
Still have to wait for the best part!
My queen, An terrible bastard and a snotty vomit bitch….Let’s focus on the relevant one.
I hope in the end the Empress and princess get freedom, Or better yet the princess become the next emperor!
I’m definitely excited for what’s to come.
Killer cat
I guess what is in the note 🤔
Grand Marshall Bellion
I look forward for the chaos and calamity
Lol. They switched east and west. West should be the white tiger and east the blue leopard. Match the pictures if you can’t tell east from west.
The way her husband blushed tho
I just wish they would show the whole hunt in one big chapter… hopefully the next chapter…. Pleeease 🥺
bird hunting. nice
Get them leo!! Stab them with yr fang🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Ugh, it’s been weeks, but we don’t get to see the real fight 😭
Dhar Mann
is it just me, or are the chapters getting shorter 😭
Dang they are all good looking well except that green hair girl anyway love it
damn they all are hot. SPOILER: she will use lion fang on emperor and other nobles, so for people she don’t want to hurt she is warning them in advance so they can leave
She is one little devil like her father haha, this shit is getting interesting
ebook dragon
I love this. “Have fun my little chaos goblin, but remember this is a graded exam.” Dad just wants to watch the world burn.
This is a long ass party
Oh she’s going to bring that King on his knees. LITERALLY.
[email protected]
Why so short
Still have to wait for the best part!
My queen, An terrible bastard and a snotty vomit bitch….Let’s focus on the relevant one.
I hope in the end the Empress and princess get freedom, Or better yet the princess become the next emperor!
I’m definitely excited for what’s to come.
nice, make that shitty emperor pay the price, poor empress, has to endure that f*** face
Monika molly
Leo gives strawberry candies to people she doesn’t want to ACCIDENTALLY hurt. Next chapter will be filled with chaos. 🤣🤣