I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 8

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As an avid xianxia novel enthusiast. The story always begins with a Mc getting treated like trash cuz of some deformity by everyone including servants. Later they come across some life changing encounter and become the most op person in the world. Also they get some op background which is their future goal or get some teacher/promise / beast /lineage or inheritance which makes them fulfill some goal and continue the story.
So all this feels pretty normal to me. The art is pretty tho
B*tch you’re a servant, so SERVE
I hope those maids get a lot more punishments then just a little spanking
I hope you all can realize that the grandfather never hated his son he always loved him but he doesn’t show it that isn’t his love language that isn’t how he showed he love to him and could you truly love a child that came so unexpectedly he was probably shocked about his favorite son coming home with a kid who he didn’t even know about and he doesn’t even know who the mother is ofc he will be mad his son slept with someone who he has never met and had a baby with her I think the reaction of the grandfather was valid idc what anyone says🤷
I’ll Never understand adults that intentionally bully children. Are you really that pathetic?