I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 62

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Ryuuuu apologise!!!!🙄
@EternityEver yes i know and i am still proud of her
Ok look guys, he’s going to be annoying and ignorant, he’s a child, this is basic child 101 if you’ve never met one, that’s what they’re like. They are not patient or wordly. Secondly, she’s not going to be beating everyone just bc she got some magic powers of sense, I’m sure she’ll grow and improve but let’s have a little patience pls, she’s not just going to be instant warrior girl bossing first try. I’ve said my piece, thank you:)
@zennn45 she just said that she didn’t have enough strength
too short i wanna see her tell him how much of an asshole he is for thinking that everyone lives the same type of life he does and i kinda hate him though i get he doesn’t know her situation but still doesn’t he know her core is broken it’s kinda known by everyone right?? Even if he didn’t know that’s rude to say that to her
Gurl you won . If you had applied a little more strength you definitely would’ve won . Anyways she is so coool
Oh my god yeonn i got chills . She ended his ego with just one line . My poor baby 😭