I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 60

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@Nika I think you mean ‘The Abandoned Empress’, not ‘Remarried Empress’.
@Nika I agree its weird to fall in love with your killer even if u forget/forgive and become friends.
I would also want to put my opinion here, let’s go back to their 1st life where our FL got her “worst” life but Ryu treated her gently and warmly, unlike yayul who killed her without any reason. plus that was their first meeting, yes I understand that he never did it to her this time. but we can’t deny the fact that he do ‘killed’ her. I’m glad the Ryu is the ml, Because unlike the other manhwa where the one who kill the fl is the ml it’s just like ‘remarried empress’ but even if they showed yayul backstory or vice versa we can’t deny the fact that he killed our FL. It’s good for him that in this life, our FL forgave him and become friends with him. I’ll also say that it was his karma for not being the ‘endgame’ because of what he’d done. Just because he changed it doesn’t justified of what he done to yeon.
FYI: When I first didn’t read the spoiler I also thought that yayul was the ml, but when Im aware who’s the ml, I am also disappointed because we sees that yayul get alot of screentime with FL instead of Ryu. I process the story that it’s better if Ryu was the ML. let’s remember that Yeon is the MC’ and the story focus more on his bond with his father. Just because of romance I don’t think it’s necessary for you guys to hate on RYU! Ryu is a whole green flag!💗🫦 Let’s enjoy the story guys!! This story is all about Yeon happiness with his father!💗🫶🏼
It’s a shame that ml is ryu , I wanted it to be yayul
@Anonymity01 YES I TOTALLY AGREE!!! Yayul SHOULD BE ml! I SRLY wanted to drop when I heard it wasn’t him— but honestly I’ll keep reading just to see sweet little Yayul’s face. Also you should probably go back to ep1 Yayul is soooo good looking as an adult…
People are saying that Ryu Namgung is the ml, but if it’s not Yayul I kinda want to drop it. I can’t say that there isn’t a reason I don’t like Ryu, he’s just really bratty with the whole “tsundere” vibe, and I’m sure he gets a sad back story, but I don’t really care. Yayul is just better… Anyway, there’s my rant.
what did she mean by it’s not because of the sickness at the end. What sickness??
To tall those praying for yayul, im sry
My cute yeon
I believe in Yayul endgame, 🙏🙏🙏 just ignore him yeonie, he might he the protagonist, but he sucks! Daddy’s back, let’s spend more time with him please!
I want yayul to be the ml so bad🥲
Her eyes aren’t used to day light
No dont have a friendly moment with him Yayul should be ML 😭😭😭
Why is she still wearing the cloth in front of her eyes? She has taken it off already so many times, her eyes ought to be used to everything already