I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 6

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idk man
I agree, the fact that your novel characters are so terrible, that the young MC has to be the one to step up and fix their sorry excuse of a family, at this point it’s time to switch families 🤦♀️
@Louie-girl what
So is there any way for her to be healed?
Louie -
Gahhh , powerless = pathetic
So glad I wasn’t the only one who thought of Xie Lian for a moment there
Thought it was Xie Lian- 🫠
I think she might’ve been a child who was taken when born and found by her father I mean they do have the same eye color and hair
I mean, even if it turns out she is adopted – it doesn’t mean he’s not her father. He raised her, therefore, he’s her dad. End of discussion.
Also, hate plots like these where the FL is all – oh, if only I hadn’t been depressed and hopeless in my previous life, then I wouldn’t have suffered. Like, being bullied, shunned, abused, etc by relatives, and it’s up to YOU to fix things by taking charge, thinking positive *cough* knowing the future *cough* and being more mature than your physical age.
Like, geez, I get that it’s a terrible trope to just wait around for prince charming, but a five year old being abused shouldn’t be justified by saying, “oh she just wasn’t trying hard enough”. Like, darn. This trope is becoming pervasive in the isekai and regression genre and I hate it.
Chan khuman
Can’t wait for more😃
Cuddly wubbly
Her dad is so beautiful can’t believe he’s not a ML and the author kills him off for the plot
Just because he found her on the streets doesn’t mean she’s not his daughter. Illegitimate children do exist. It looks like he was looking for her. He probably loved her mother and she died while he was away to become better at material arts. That would be plausible
Nanny Adam
So she was adopted