I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 58

You don't have anything in histories
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i hate when fls get together with the ml who killed her. ok you forgive bc different choices but forget?!! women are always expected to forgive and forget even in some of these mangas which have op FLs
I—I really don’t care…. Yayul’s precious… I really really really want him to be endgame. Theyre so wholesome together… 😭 but the comments below spoiled endgame. MY HEARTTT
Yes disappear begone you gremlin, If I can hate the ML from abandoned empress I can easily hate yayull
I prefer Yayul to be the ml, but I know he’s not. In fact, Yayul has his own circumstances that led him to kill the fl in the past life.
That’s a raw emotion of a human being; when all your life you have been subjected to torment, your judgment of good and evil becomes distorted.
Even though they were not the people who traumatized you, they reminded you of the pain, and you wanted to inflict the same pain on the people related to them.
But this time, it’s different. The female lead was given the opportunity to change, and so was Yayul.
Yes,He killed her, but she ended up recalling her memories and changing the course of the story. Yayul is not yet irredeemable, so I hope you don’t hate him too much.
haist a lot of ml has killed fl in other story. it hasn’t happen here in their current timeline and even if yayul is not the ml, he hasn’t done anything bad yet here so shut up. i feel bad that there’s a chance he ‘ll train with this old man that has done something shitty to them at their first encounter. i don’t like the old man urg and he is the only choice
@Frostbyte I suggest you read “Please don’t kill me this time, your majesty” so you could know everyone can change.
@Rococochoco you forgot he killed her in her past life
Rococochoco sry to break ur heart, but he is not the final endgame
he is the devil that killed her in her pastlife
the ml is Nam Ryu-cheong
these two are my precious ship. if he does go they should at least write letters to each other 😭
Awwww I’m gonna cry at the last panel.
Boy just learn it . In the last life you have already killed her spare her now and be on the right path