I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 54

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Duke of every novel
dad eaten`by grandfather
um … hello? … dad, you alive?
BRO WHERE IS HER DAD???? 🤕😭😭😭😭 and what the fuck is happening
Where is her dad???
where are you daddy?? don’t tell me that he will only arrived there when Yeon start her therapy😭😭
He just assassinated her?😭 I have feeling you’d feel differently if it was you that had been assassinated😂 I mean ya he’s not that bad this time around bc his future was changed but that didn’t change the fact that he’s a naturally unstable guy, he won’t be cute for long
ebook dragon
Yayul’s behavior is deeply concerning. The fact that he doesn’t eat or sleep or even move from one spot while she’s gone makes me very worried for what he’ll do if she rejects whatever relationship he asks for.
Nanny Adam
@VillainessBarbie He may be cute now but that doesn’t change the fact that he killed her and he didn’t show any remorse at all.
What no! I like yayul! He’s so cute!! Yeah, he killed her in the last life, but that was their singular interaction, he didn’t torture her prior to that, it was basically assassination, so I don’t mind that.
when will she reunite with her father again🥲🥲
When Is the dad getting there?? If feels like
She’s been there for months
i am happy that ryucheong is the ml lol . her future in laws already love her and ml will too . its just that he hasn’t learned to be gentle .
as a novel reader i am thankful that ml was not yayul . i hate seeing fl ending up with someone who killed them in their past lives . also we will get father daughter reunion sooooon
Now it’s getting boring without father