I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 50

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@Luvsecondml your opinion is similar to mine. It was a thing that happened in your past, which currently never happened to anyone, not even the culprits themselves.
It’s better to display it as trauma rather than unreasonable hatred
STOP that’s so cute
I honestly DONT like it when og ml gets paired up w current fl, also I don’t get how y’all be blaming a kid that hasn’t done anything wrong in the current life while sum of y’all be forgiving others *cough* Claude *cough* “well he still killed her!” Yes but he’s a literal child in the current life and hasn’t killed her. Same w the manhwa “sister I’m the queen in this life” how tf y’all be taking the fl side when she KILLED the ml in the past life, like keep same ass energy instead of nitpicking what to like and not to how can u forgive one character while not the other when they basically committed the same thing
i am thankful to author for not making yayul ML . this guy legit killed yeon for fun . don’t care if he is good in this life or not he still is someone who killed her
And they just let him sit there all night like a fing weirdo? What’s wrong with her moving her hand, it’s not broken, it got scratched by some wood. That boy needs help
Same same. Why do they have to pair the novel ML to current FL. Even the second ML needs love dang it.
Everywhere I go, the second ML syndrome follows me…. Ryucheong been nothing but a pain in the butt while Yayul consistently treats her like a treasure but we all know who’ll likely end up with who!
The former will suddenly treat her nicely and suddenly she’ll be all doki doki thump thump
It’s always “badass” when someone with a blindfold catch something dangerous with barehand and everyone is *shocked pikachu face*😂
Gotta love that uncle of her
Please there’ll be no love triangle in the future. Please there’ll be no love triangle in the future. Please there’ll be no love triangle in the future. Please there’ll be no love triangle in the future. Please there’ll be no love triangle in the future. SPARE ME OF SECOND MALE LEAD SYNDROME 😭
I need to see this chapter animated asap
I love uncle😂
I wanna see her reunite with her father thoo
I wanna see her meeting her father soon~~~
Yup know it’s time let it marinate a few years
help their reactions when she caught that sword part
Things are getting exciting, thank you for the update 🐱