I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 49

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Duke of every novel
anyone is not suspecting her father why he still did not come ?
So now she has golden eyes….interesting
I think something has changed here ..
Or they might have mistranslated she.
Coz I know that she says ,” I will be patient with you like you were with me .”
Or it could be me who is wrong here😁😁
I miss her dad too but I also want to know how the young kid (the disciple? Of the man she got her eyes from) who was attached to her is doing. Hope they reunite again one day. So far the ML is a major brat, Yayul the cutie leading in my books
I miss daddy
just my opinion. it’s kinda…. boring and tiring to see our fl with the og fl or the red hair girl coz she mostly focuses on her after the series came back. i wanted to see more of fl’s new abilities, interaction with her father and also maybe a bit interaction with ml. it’s just… the red hair is not entertaining enough
I wanna see her dad😭
yuwriel ☆
nvm i take back what i said last chap 💀
guys i read the novel and it will probably take probably 10 epi for her father to come . dw it will be a cute moment
I really want to see that spar now 😭😭💕
Can’t wait for next chapter
I love all the outfits, they’re so cute
And now we wait… Awwww I’d love to see her dad again but this is good too
Mobile legend
Please show more father-daughter episode
I was reading this just solely because of their relationship
Oooh, I’m excited for what’s next! Thank you for updating💕
Kick his ass I know you can do it
I miss her father
Get him seo, knock him down!!!
I need more!!