I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 44

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lol uncle looked like he was about to spank his son hhhahhahahaha
Anybody know where I can read the novel while I wait for this to update?
What?? I finished it all in just 2 days? Damn it!
Rain Trevil
wtf so season 1 already ended and here i thought i just missed the updates. ;-; i cant wait
Love Being shit
That’s disappointing but i can’t wait for the next season to be released so I’m off to read the novel~~
I checked the original scanlation website and this marks the end of season 1!
Love Being
Has the season ended or something? There have been no updates for the past 2 weeks
I’m just waiting for them to show the reason why all of that stuff happened in the past.
This is when the typical stuff comes in. Ml being cold towards fl, ogfl suddenly liking the fl more than anyone, fl saying she’ll never fall for ogml but will do the exact opposite 😀
ML is Ryu-Chung.
Damn who’s the ml??😭😭 im so confused
That crying face 😍🤤
I just want her to meet her Dad again… 🥴🥴
Flying fish
Where is the dad?????
I love family dinner scenes 🔪lol
Yeah ya yool life is worth shit to me TBH , kid? Kids? They stopped acting like kids a few chapters ago mainly the FML , I want ya yool to die (probably it won’t happen but well I still hope) I found things more exciting when the FML was alone but that’s over so I’m out , it was fun at the beginning till the introduction of yayool after that it turns into your standard manhua whit cultivation
@Nanny Adam He is too hot to not support (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
SHORT CHAPTER 😭😭 – I love the art style though <3
Nanny Adam
I am supporting the male lead