I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 4

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I am gonna guess that she will gain her family’s support this time and will end up forgiving them as all other manhwas. I hate this, they neglected and abused a child for being a child and brought her to her death but mc is thinking how they treated her this way because she is a villainess and didn’t know how to react, she is a kid she is not supposed to think over every word. And I know she keeps saying how her father loved her and cared about her and she didn’t put effort but he is the adult, why are you staying at a place where everyone is abusing your child, I wouldn’t of wanted to actually forgive him. I need a Manhwa where the mc pretends and gets the needed benefits and fully leaves them in her dust
Yep that aunt turned out to be a witch. Figured as much
It seems like the grandfather might be getting all his info about the FL second hand or from overhearing things like with the aunt. It is not the right thing to do but how many times have you disliked or had a hard time trusting someone because you only heard about them from a person you should trust. It would be interesting if they explained it like this though.
@Rococochoco I never realized how terrible those types of are until you put it that way. Like, what the hell is wrong with the father-figures in stories? Why do they always be throwing hate on the most vulnerable and innocent people for absolutely no reason. By the way, does anyone know why the FL was a villain in the og story. Cuz if it was just because she was distant with her father, then I’m gonna blow.
@Rococochoco ikr >> I hate those story types
So is she going to slowly win over grandfather’s cold heart and THEN he’ll start treating her like a human? All the bad things he did in the past will be forgiven and everyone will start treating her better