I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 38

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So now she has a super power?
After a while… She finally has a look most identical to her father! I assume her physique is from her should be mother, and bears not that much resemblance to her father(Her attitude and eyes). But now she looks a lot like him-
Since she was stuck in that room for 2 months shouldn’t she also have extra powers from eating all the good medicine in that room lol
Its not strange to go without proper food when there are pills and bigu in martial arts novels.
Bigu is the nutritious pills they consume in place of food when doing isolated training in the murim genre.
But what has actually made her sturdy enough to hang on for 2months would be the energy that was passed down to her by the miracle doctor.
Im so damn mad and devastated that the miracle doc was killed, and by the murim alliance/orthodox faction no less.
He passed all his internal energy on to her. I guess even if she doesn’t have an energy core, she might have another core activated by that and will be able to use healing powers just like the miracle doc himself.
I wish he could have get treated though,,, TT
Ok so I went to cosmic scans ( the official translation group) and in their translation they made notes about her dad absence and explain it from the novel perspective
2 months??? And her dad????
Time to meet some more potential MLs?
Why sooo short??? Thank you for the update!!
Too short😭😭😭😭😭😭
More please 🥺 thank you 🙏
Where is her dad ??
2 months!!!??!!
Rain Trevil
wth 2 months? i guess there’s some food underground?