I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 34

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Isn’t he the one who killed her?
The fact that there weren’t any known survivers in her previous life means that this Ya Tool kid had faced a far crueler fate at this point which had ultimately led him to become the worst villain.
He obviously had a bad grudge against the MC’s dad and Namgoong Wan, and it could have stemmed from this very incident.
What really happened to him at this point in the previous time-line?
Did he go through some kind of torture?
Hes already had from the looks of it, but it’s the post-rescue-operation that we’re concerned with here..
Did they just leave him to fend for himself and he ended up in another hell as a result?
Was he kidnapped again amidst the chaos?
Or did they not find him at all while he was desperately trying to get their attention and thus faced a tragic fate due to them not noticing him on time?
Whatever happened to him was definitely the reason for him to hold a grudge against the two families.
Now that he’s been saved and brought back safe and sound he certainly wouldn’t go through the same ordeal–and thus would become a different person, hopefully.
Not the most fearsome villain at least.
That much is guaranteed at this point.
Forgot the “him”
She should be friendly to him, then he likes and at the end she will murder him.
🚩🚩🚩 but he could have a redemption arc?
the one who killed her in the past life?
Lover boy xoxo notcringeatalllmao
This kid 🤾 better not be the ml 💀 WHAT A DAMN RED FLAG FOR STARTER’S
Wooowww first i thought he was the ml but now that i read the chapter 1 again i become sure he is the main villian and her killer….
But i still want him to be the ml🤭🥴😂😍💔
oh I thought it was a ML but its her murderer right? Well now’s the chance to make him like you enough that he wont kill you, maybe
Isn’t he the one who killed her why doesn’t she remember him ?