I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 26

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That ain’t and 2 kids can’t be helped even if u try
Hope this myung guy finally open and use his brain
Appreciate the footnotes, it wasn’t all too clear in the story
Half the ppl commenting here are ppl I see on every single manhwa I read, I swear👹
I hope the brother son n at least become a decent human
@Rococochoco….hello my fellow pro commenter!!!
Historical Maniac
@Mira_sinclair12 You mean @rococochoco? I can see him everywhere too lol😂😂
I want to see the twins taught a lesson, and not become evil. They’re just kids, and if gramps is such a good person, why are most of his decendants such trash?
Thank you Comic Scans for the wonderful translation and explanation!
Lmao Mira, the fact that you notice that he is everywhere just means YOU too as well were everywhere xD
bro, you really are everywhere, aren’t you? do you need help or smth?
Aww just kick them out the boys don’t even stay there anyways? Honestly she should be living with her husband and his family but she’s so greedy she needs both families, it’s apparent since her sons have a name from both families
Thank you for the explanation 🙏🙏