I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 25

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Baeklee Ee-Gang's Wife
@June_Rosario23 Fools can be taught but you can never teach an idiot.. her aunt is the adobe of stupidness. How can you expect her to actually process the information
That kid is kinda sus
who is he actually like identify him
I’m so tired of the aunt. She’s an exhausting person
Girl you don’t get it. Your kids are part of his family line, our girl is his granddaughter.
@ManhwaQuinn….I know right!!!
This story is like “I’ll be the matriarch in this lifetime Murim version” lol 🤣
Geez.. did the bitch really forget about the aide being present during the dinner? The aide was literally a witness and would be the most likely candidate as to why grandpa is scolding the morons. If it were yeon, this would have happened a lot sooner, dumbass.. anyways, angy rant aside, I hope this will help teach the kids not to be like their parents and hopefully mature into better people. Also.. tf was the lady going on about with saying namgung disrespected their family? He was literally an important guest in their house and what he witnessed was the trashiness of the family and merely called it like it.
I still hope the twins and the eldest grandchild can get out of the idiocy that is their parents. Riri seems to be simply a spoiled brat.
It would help Yeonie to have her own generation at least on a respect-level, so that she and her dad don´t have to work alone to keep the family safe once grandpa gets older.
Dont ask me
Poor man. His children, except for our beloved father are a bunch of idiots
Wow that chapter went by so fast….
damn I think I lost my glasses midway…. its so blurry
Wait, no no namgung wan is looking down on YOU
Sus ‘friend’. He seems to know more than he should.
Ahh i wanna leave this story alone for a bit to read multiple chapters. But i know I’d go to it the moment i see an update 😅
This b*tch needs a slap of Reality😒
She’s just digging her own grave.
Well he’s kinda suspicious but I hope it ends up on a good light
one more please 🥺🙏
I’m glad she has a “friend” even if he is strange
Go grandfather, make these people pay!!