I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 14

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idk man
This family makjang is gold 😂😂😂😂 Grandpa is so disappointed 😂😂
Lol if they keep acting like the spoiled brats they are, they are just handing her the “most favored grandchild” on a gold platter….hahahaha
Grandpa is just pissed that the youngest and his illegitimate child have a better relationship and family dynamic than his older kids.
they look so alike and act like too. if they arent really related im gonna start a riot
For sure grandpa is gonna spoil her rotten in the future 🫢 he’s getting there
OMGG I LOVE THEIR VIBES, SO CUTEE. it will be the next tia gallahan omg omgg
They’re really reminding me of tia and gallahan
The maids starved her u old bastard but of course u wouldn’t know about that😒
Ee-gang neutral face kills me everytime lol
Would suck if the seclusion training did make them stronger and their annoying mother had something else to talk about
Now im missing tua and gallahan. They give the same vibes~