I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 12

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Baeklee Ee-Gang's Wife
These good for nothing, waste of sperm… both of them are trash for real.. whenever i look at them i feel sorry for their mother who had to carry these jokes for 9 fucking month. And that elder son’s son is so fake ewwwwwww
Naw that’d be dishonorable to the trash can. Just beat then till they look like compost.
Yup they all should be thrown in trash can
Aigo why are they being so mean. What jerks
I sooo wanna kill those sooo wanna
poor baby😭everyone is such bitches😒
Louie -
Wow , I think the last scene was familiar to you too 🤫
girl… i know how you feel exactly…
Feels so familiar eh?
It feels like my fami-
I mean-
Chik chik chik 🐥
Dark star
So lonely, not her but me
It’s hurts even more after watching this
But it’s better not to stay with the fake one
Anyway thank you harimanga
grandpa. how did you raised your kids? why are they such a bitches and bastards?
But they’re all snakes though?
I know how that feels,I had some family issues with my uncles and aunts but now I just ignore it
Yep their jerks, but I already knew they would be. It’s obvious that the author was going to do that.
The kids are rotten because their parents are Garbage and taught them to be terribke. I have some hope for the kids but they all belong in the 🗑 if they don’t change
awww my baby
Shy her ass.. she’s a bitch 🤣
Riri not shy she’s just a stuck up b*tch like the rest of them
Mighty Phoenix
Poor baby