I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family - Chapter 11

You don't have anything in histories
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I’m crying pls my heart!!!😭😩
I also want to know why her father is so emotional… Even when first reading the comic, I thought it was matriarchal story, where women’s rule the house.
He’s so sweet. Dad’s of the world take note
Baeklee Ee-Gang's Wife
My daughter is indeed cute but my husband is cuter..
So kawaii
why’s her dad so cute😭🫶
Next Sunday would be fathers day, happy fathers day eunkang!!
We all need a dadd- I mean a cute, gentle yet hot father 😩
Chik chik chik 🐥
Queen Silvia
The twins will either be complete b*tches or they’ll be like the twins from I’ll be the monarch in this life.
Loving parents at manhwa RULES
Never try to guess what a child is drawing just ask them directly so you don’t get in trouble 😄
@Might Phoenix
Amen to that 🤚
Honestly the twins are so cute, I love their design. I hope their personality can be salvaged
Mighty Phoenix
Protect this father and daughter pair by all costs!!!