Trevor please just remain Reina’s faithful little grown monster kid and don’t go villain arc on us. Though maybe he’s taking Reina’s powers to become the demon king himself rather than her (In which case will lead to conflict having to face HIM in the end rather than her, and that would be sad so please don’t go that route 😭).
Also, Duke of the West/Temis (Lol Temis) looks sketchy, he can’t be a ML, I won’t allow that.
Wait, you don’t stop to think that there’s a possible people within your team a long time ago as enemies I’m so mad he is doing something to someone that demon guy cares about ugh
Trevor please just remain Reina’s faithful little grown monster kid and don’t go villain arc on us. Though maybe he’s taking Reina’s powers to become the demon king himself rather than her (In which case will lead to conflict having to face HIM in the end rather than her, and that would be sad so please don’t go that route 😭).
Also, Duke of the West/Temis (Lol Temis) looks sketchy, he can’t be a ML, I won’t allow that.
Maybe Trevor is taking some of
the demon king power because its growing too much for her?
please dont turn trevor into a villain please 😭
I Cant_Sleep
Hmm, is Trevor slowly taking her powers away?
Wait, you don’t stop to think that there’s a possible people within your team a long time ago as enemies I’m so mad he is doing something to someone that demon guy cares about ugh