I absolutely hate how they’re translating her speech I have to skip it because my brain just does not want to compute it I’d rather them just do it regularly and then put uwu at the end of each sentence
From the past chapters her dialogue isn’t like this, its annoying to look for the normal words. She’s literally old enough to be able to speak fine, what r u guys doing? tsk
If she really wanted to be demon like she’d still report that guy after he let her take the kids. Whos to say he wont go find some other kids and do this again?
Urgh… i hate her baby talk… she should be able to talk properly by now though…😑
I absolutely hate how they’re translating her speech I have to skip it because my brain just does not want to compute it I’d rather them just do it regularly and then put uwu at the end of each sentence
thank god for lisp tL
fuck cuteness my mentality is burning up
It is because hari copied the chapters from different source now unlike earlier so the translation is now different
From the past chapters her dialogue isn’t like this, its annoying to look for the normal words. She’s literally old enough to be able to speak fine, what r u guys doing? tsk
yeah, there´s no way all the characters would have no problem understanding her, when all I can do is “scroll scroll” XD
If she really wanted to be demon like she’d still report that guy after he let her take the kids. Whos to say he wont go find some other kids and do this again?
I hate the sudden baby talk